Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow Day

The plans for this weekend were to go to my sis's house and help her drape her wedding dress (the wedding's in April). We made a fair amount of progress, but didn't quite finish (need more fabric), so are reconvening next Saturday for more sewing.

Both Mom and I brought overnight bags, and I brought a sleeping bag, because I was pretty worried that we'd get stuck there because of the snow storm, but by the end of the day there was only a dusting of snow on the roads, so I drove Mom home then went home myself. Probably a good thing -- we can get along with each other for a day, but being stuck together for longer can get interesting. And it's good to sleep in one's own bed.

So today I worked on my FLAK sweater front (I'm about halfway to being finished), helped K. measure for studs in the basement, and did laundry. The pic above is of the snow in my back yard. We probably got about 8 to 10 inches, though it's packed down a bit by the time this pic was taken.


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