Monday, March 06, 2006

Buddhism and Postmodernism

Am listening right now to the podcast of a lecture by Ethan Nichtern, "Being Skeptical, Being Cynical, and Being Buddhist" -- re: postmodernism and belief, courtesy of

Kind of interesting discussion about the postmodern malaise. He's right -- scepticism can be very paralyzing. At a certain point you have to stop doing that and just jump into life with both feet (even at the risk of drowning) and do stuff you enjoy even if you're afraid the mockers are still sitting on the shore smirking at you.

After all, you're the one that's swimming. What do they know? You just have to LIVE.

I let the paralysis of uncertainty claim me entirely too much. The times I've enjoyed most have been when I've decided that I just don't care, I'm just going to do what I enjoy and the hell with it.


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