Irish Moss -- pics of body, and sleeves started
A few people have asked me for more info on the sweater. It's "Irish Moss" by Nancy Bush (there's a sweater by Alice Starmore by the same name, it seems), in Arans & Celtics: The Best of Knitters. Linda tells me it's Issue #16 of Knitters (thanks!).
So here are pics of the body of the sweater, slightly steamed, and the start of the sleeves. As with the body, I'm knitting both sleeves at the same time, so they'll match. Nice trick -- plus you don't have the tedium of knitting one sleeve then knitting another that's exactly the same (i.e., second sock syndrome), which would be very boring.
The yellow post-it note pinned to the front of the sweater says "Left". The yarn ties at the top mark the decreases -- the red marks the last "k3tog", after which you switch to k2tog. No need to mark the decreases on the other sweater front, as they're identical to the ones on the other side.
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